Ukini - 0 of 3 Shares Sponsored


Age 21

Favorite Bible Verse Psalm 56:3

Birthday 2002-12-16

Gender Female

Favorite Bible Character Ruth

Favorite Color Pink, Red

Hobby Dancing

Favorite Fruit Mango

Favorite Vegetable Potato

Beautiful Ukini is part of New Hope and she enjoys dancing. Ruth is her favorite person in the Bible and her favorite verse is Psalm 56:3.

December 2018 Birthday Celebration

December 2018 Birthday Celebration

December 2018 Birthday Celebration

December 2018 Birthday Celebration

December 2018 Birthday Celebration

December 2018 Birthday Celebration

December 2018 Birthday Celebration

December 2018 Birthday Celebration

December 2018 Birthday Celebration

December 2018 Birthday Celebration

December 2018 Birthday Celebration

December 2018 Birthday Celebration

Celebrating friend's birthday - May 2018

Celebrating friend's birthday - May 2018

Ukini, Ruben, Ishmael, Revti, Rishma, Rippu, Sudarshan, Jakkesar, Aakash, Abhishek, Shubham, Tameri, Priyanka, Jina, Suresh, Abdul, Lata, Sambhav, Rajesh and Boaz participated in the Christmas program and they were in the skit presented by the middle school. The title was "Jesus is coming, are you ready?" They also participated in a group song. - December 2017 Parts played: Ruben and Lata - Lust Priyanka, Ishmael, Rippu and Abhishek - Angel Boaz, Jakkesar and Rajesh - Devil Suresh - Main devil Shubham and Sambhav - False Teaching Tameri and Jina - Suicidal Rishma - people who don't go to church Abdul - Jesus Aakash and Sudarshan - Baba (witchcraft) Ukini - Prayer warrior Revti - Abortion

Ukini, Ruben, Ishmael, Revti, Rishma, Rippu, Sudarshan, Jakkesar, Aakash, Abhishek, Shubham, Tameri, Priyanka, Jina, Suresh, Abdul, Lata, Sambhav, Rajesh and Boaz participated in the Christmas program and they were in the skit presented by the middle school. The title was "Jesus is coming, are you ready?" They also participated in a group song. - December 2017 Parts played: Ruben and Lata - Lust Priyanka, Ishmael, Rippu and Abhishek - Angel Boaz, Jakkesar and Rajesh - Devil Suresh - Main devil Shubham and Sambhav - False Teaching Tameri and Jina - Suicidal Rishma - people who don't go to church Abdul - Jesus Aakash and Sudarshan - Baba (witchcraft) Ukini - Prayer warrior Revti - Abortion

Ukini, Ruben, Ishmael, Revti, Rishma, Rippu, Sudarshan, Jakkesar, Aakash, Abhishek, Shubham, Tameri, Priyanka, Jina, Suresh, Abdul, Lata, Sambhav, Rajesh and Boaz participated in the Christmas program and they were in the skit presented by the middle school. The title was "Jesus is coming, are you ready?" They also participated in a group song. - December 2017 Parts played: Ruben and Lata - Lust Priyanka, Ishmael, Rippu and Abhishek - Angel Boaz, Jakkesar and Rajesh - Devil Suresh - Main devil Shubham and Sambhav - False Teaching Tameri and Jina - Suicidal Rishma - people who don't go to church Abdul - Jesus Aakash and Sudarshan - Baba (witchcraft) Ukini - Prayer warrior Revti - Abortion

Ukini, Ruben, Ishmael, Revti, Rishma, Rippu, Sudarshan, Jakkesar, Aakash, Abhishek, Shubham, Tameri, Priyanka, Jina, Suresh, Abdul, Lata, Sambhav, Rajesh and Boaz participated in the Christmas program and they were in the skit presented by the middle school. The title was "Jesus is coming, are you ready?" They also participated in a group song. - December 2017 Parts played: Ruben and Lata - Lust Priyanka, Ishmael, Rippu and Abhishek - Angel Boaz, Jakkesar and Rajesh - Devil Suresh - Main devil Shubham and Sambhav - False Teaching Tameri and Jina - Suicidal Rishma - people who don't go to church Abdul - Jesus Aakash and Sudarshan - Baba (witchcraft) Ukini - Prayer warrior Revti - Abortion

Ukini, Ruben, Ishmael, Revti, Rishma, Rippu, Sudarshan, Jakkesar, Aakash, Abhishek, Shubham, Tameri, Priyanka, Jina, Suresh, Abdul, Lata, Sambhav, Rajesh and Boaz participated in the Christmas program and they were in the skit presented by the middle school. The title was "Jesus is coming, are you ready?" They also participated in a group song. - December 2017 Parts played: Ruben and Lata - Lust Priyanka, Ishmael, Rippu and Abhishek - Angel Boaz, Jakkesar and Rajesh - Devil Suresh - Main devil Shubham and Sambhav - False Teaching Tameri and Jina - Suicidal Rishma - people who don't go to church Abdul - Jesus Aakash and Sudarshan - Baba (witchcraft) Ukini - Prayer warrior Revti - Abortion

Ukini, Ruben, Ishmael, Revti, Rishma, Rippu, Sudarshan, Jakkesar, Aakash, Abhishek, Shubham, Tameri, Priyanka, Jina, Suresh, Abdul, Lata, Sambhav, Rajesh and Boaz participated in the Christmas program and they were in the skit presented by the middle school. The title was "Jesus is coming, are you ready?" They also participated in a group song. - December 2017 Parts played: Ruben and Lata - Lust Priyanka, Ishmael, Rippu and Abhishek - Angel Boaz, Jakkesar and Rajesh - Devil Suresh - Main devil Shubham and Sambhav - False Teaching Tameri and Jina - Suicidal Rishma - people who don't go to church Abdul - Jesus Aakash and Sudarshan - Baba (witchcraft) Ukini - Prayer warrior Revti - Abortion

Rob with Mary & Ukini - October 2017

Christmas Celebration 2016

Christmas Celebration 2016

Christmas Celebration 2016

Christmas Celebration 2016